Sunday, December 18, 2011

21 weeks old

[ISO 100 f/1.8 1/25 50mm]
Olivia ~ 21 weeks

[ISO 200 f/1.8 1/50 50mm]
Olivia ~ 21 weeks

[ISO 200 f/1.8 1/50 50mm]
Olivia ~ 21 weeks

Olivia is such a happy baby!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Four month well child check up

Olivia had her four month well child check up.  The doctor said she is doing great!  Her length is 25" 50% and weight is 14lbs 30%.

Olivia now loves to stand and attempt walking! It's so funny how she literally puts one foot in front of the other.  We'll post a video soon :)

Happy holidays!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

3 countries down...

Olivia has officially been to three countries: USA, England, and Wales.  We decided to take a road trip to Cardiff yesterday, the capital of Wales.  It took us about two hours to drive there and four hours on the way back because of a car fire.  The weather was overcast in the morning, then cleared up towards the end of the day.  We made sure not to use the stroller this time!

[Cardiff Castle]

[This castle visit we made sure to Baby Björn instead]

[Getting ready to head into the castle]

[Half way up]

[Inside the castle]
[Wales flag]

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Last weekend we attempted going to the zoo but ran out of time (they close super early this time of year because it gets dark so early).  Yesterday we decided to drive to a town nearby called Farnborough to take a shorter train into London and attempt the zoo again.  Lets just say we ended up making the last call for the zoo by one minute, 2:59!  The one tube line that was closed was the one that would take us closest to the zoo... thanks to David's planning ahead we had the tube map on his iPhone to make a route change.  All in all, it took us two hours to get to the zoo and we ended up only seeing the giraffes because Miss Olivia was hungry J

[Finally arrived at the zoo]

[Looking up at the giraffe]

[Sophie la Girafe]
*Sorry for the bum shot, I was watching
Olivia when the giraffe was facing us J

[Getting ready to leave the zoo]


Olivia rolled over Friday night at 2:34am!!  Good thing we flew over so Daddy didn't miss a milestone... so worth it J

[Just a random cute pic of Olivia after a bath in the hotel tub]
*Thanks Papa (Grandpa Thayer) for my footie from Canada!

Farnham Castle

Friday we went to Farnham Castle.  It is up the street from our hotel so it was only a couple minute walk.

[Aerial view of Farnham Castle]

[Farnham Castle]

[All bundled up ready for the castle]

Major mistake... going to a castle with a stroller; what were we thinking?!?  Let's just say Farnham Castle is not wheelchair accessible by any means! Oops..

[Some of the stairs leading up to the castle]

David carried Olivia up the flights of stairs leading up to the castle, and then inside the castle as well J

[Half way up the stairs]

[Finally to the top of the stairs]

[View of Farnham from the top of the castle]

Friday, November 18, 2011

Black Friday

This is lame lame lame... wish me luck on my first day back to work on Black Friday.  Why can't everyone just listen to Christmas music and be excited for the holiday season?!?

Protest planned for Westlake tree-lighting ceremony...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rolling over...almost

Olivia is so close to rolling over from back to front!  She always rolls to her left side, but her arm is still stopping her.  It is extremely hard for David and I to resist the urge to give her a nudge J

Also, Olivia has officially found her left foot; she grabbed it and just stared at it!  She still loves putting her hands together and playing with them, along with sticking her tongue in and out.

[ISO 100 f/1.8 1/25 50mm]
Olivia ~ 16 weeks

Today, Olivia and I hung out in the hotel room, while David went and got some groceries and Costa Coffee, mmmmm.  After David went to work, Olivia and I walked around town and just enjoyed the beautiful sunny day J

[Costa Coffee]

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Guitar Village

¯Today we went to Guitar Village.  David has been talking about how amazing this guitar shop is, but I didn't realize how amazing till he took Olivia and I this morning.  The shop has over 1200 guitars, 15 display rooms, and a ton of amps and accessories.  The shop is only ~9 blocks away from the hotel in a 15th century house that literally has the original wood throughout.  David was definitely on cloud 9¯

¯In front of hotel¯

[ISO 100 f/3.2 1/60 50mm]
Olivia ~ 16 weeks
¯Awake in Baby Björn¯

[ISO 100 f/3.2 1/80 50mm]
Olivia ~ 16 weeks
¯Asleep in Baby Björn¯

¯Guitar Village¯






¯On a side note, I had the best breakfast this morning at Henny's Cafe.  I ordered the scrambled eggs & avocado on toasted bagel... mmmmmmmm¯